세상은 레퍼런스덩어리..

그러나, 대부분 마음속에 있는 영어레퍼런스라는거..;;;;

"Klasky Csupo: Animation Lessons"

http://www.cooltoons.com/shows/artlessons/main.html <--- ^^* 

How To Draw Animation: Acting and Dialogue
http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=cat&category1=Tutorials&article_no=1527 <--- ^^*
어깨 모션.. 관찰해보세요 ^^*
http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=pageone&article_no=1549&page=1 <--- ^^* 

How To Draw Animation: Shoulder Motion
http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=pageone&article_no=1549&page=1 <--- 어깨 움직임에 대한 드로잉 표현입니다. 기본기에 충실하기위해서 ^^* 우리는 보면서 조인트의 움직임두 같이 보자구요 .ㅋㅋ 

동물 데이터 참고 사이트
http://www.junglewalk.com/ ^^*


Life after pose to pose
http://www.keithlango.com/popThru/polish.html <-- 꾹꾹

BOUNCING BALL - (Dermot O'Connor)
http://www.idleworm.com/how/anm/01b/bball.shtml <-- 꾹꾹 ^^*

2D WALK CYCLE - (Great Tutorial by Dermot O'Connor)
http://www.idleworm.com/how/anm/02w/walk1.shtml <-- 꾸욱 ^^* 


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